[ g++ issue ]

g++-4.4 / g++-4.5 doesn't detect following case, but, g++-4.6 does.

< a.cpp >

class P {
    void a();

class A : public P {
    void p();

P::a() {
    // 'const' quailifier' is discard here!
    static_cast<const A*>(this)->p();

A::p() {

main() {
    return 0;

=================== Test ======================
$ g++-4.5 a.cpp   <= OK.
$ g++-4.6 a.cpp
a.cpp: In member function ‘void P::a()’:
a.cpp:13:33: error: passing ‘const A’ as ‘this’ argument of ‘void A::p()’ discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]

The problem is some of Android codes still have above bugs in its code - ex. frameworks/base/libs/utils/RefBase.cpp.
So, even if Android source code was successfully compiled at g++-4.4 or g++4.5, it may be failed at g++-4.6 (for example, upgrading host OS)

[ cc/gcc issue ]

Compiling with gcc-4.6 raises following warings.

<command-line>:0:0: warning: "_FORTIFY_SOURCE" redefined [enabled by default]

In some component which uses '-Werror' option, this warning stops compilation.

[ Conclusion ]

So, you would better to use gcc/g++-4.4 instead of 4.6 when building Android, until above issues are resolved on Android baseline.
(ex. Ubuntu 11.10 as an Android host OS.)

In C, func() and func(void) have different function signature.
(But, in C++, these two are same.)

'func()' means 'this function can have any number of arguments (0 ~ infinite)'.
But, 'func(void)' means 'this function doesn't have argument.'
See following example.

#ifdef CASE1
void func(void); /* (1) */
void func();     /* (2) */

func(int i) {
        ; /* do something */

If 'CASE1' is defined, compiling this file complains error like "error: conflicting types for 'func'".
But, 'CASE1' is not defined, this is well-compiled.
Now, you can clearly understand difference.

So, using 'func(void)' is better for readibility if 'func' really doesn't have any arguement, instead of just 'func()'.

*** One more. ***
In C, 'extern' for function is default visibility.
So, in function declaration, 'extern void func(void);' is exactly same with 'void func(void);'.
Therefore any of them is OK.
( [ omitting 'extern' for simplicity ] vs. [ using 'extern' to increase readability ] )
But, default visibility of function depends on compiler.
For portability reason, using macro is usually better instead of using explicit directive - especially at shared library header.
(Ex. 'EXTERN void func(void)')

OOP SW design is usually compose of one main control routine (henceforth MCR) and lots of sub modules.
But, MCR don't need to (must not need to) know inside implementation of every sub modules.
Sometimes, MCR don't need to know even existence of some sub modules.
The problem is, most sub modules require initialization.
How can sub modules whose existence is now known, be initialized.
Due to this issue, principle of information hiding is sometimes broken.
Let's see below example.

FILE : main.c
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {


FILE : moduleA.c

FILE : moduleB.c

Assume that, each module requires initialization and main.c don't need to know existence of each module.
How can we resolve this issue?
Easiest way is calling initialization function of each module with damaging principle of information hiding little bit, like mentioned above.

FILE : main.c
extern void moduleA_init();
extern void moduleB_init();

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

FILE : moduleA.c
void moduleA_init() { ... }

FILE : moduleB.c
void moduleB_init() { ... }

At above code, main.c becomes to know existence of moduleA and moduleB.
That is, in terms of modules, principle of information hiding is damaged although it's very little.
Additionally, global symbol space is dirtier.
Regarding maintenance, whenever new module is added, modifying main.c is unavoidable.
But, main.c doesn't have any dependency on newly added module.
With this and that, this way is uncomfortable.
How can we clean up these?
Using constructor leads us to better way.

Functions in constructor are executed before main function.
So, it is very useful for this case.
Easiest way is setting every initialization function as constructor.
But, in this case, we cannot control the moment when module is initialized at.
Therefore, it is better that each module's initialization function is registered to MCR, and MCR calls these registered function at right moment.
Following pseudo code is simple implementation of this concept.

FILE : main.c
void register_initfn(void (*fn)()) {
        list_add(initfn_list, fn);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
        /* initialize modules */
        foreach(initfn_list, fn)

FILE : module.h
extern void register_initfn(void (*fn)());
#define MODULE_INITFN(fn)                               \
        static void __##fn##__() __attribute__ ((constructor)); \
        static void __##fn##__() { register_initfn(&fn); }

FILE : moduleA.c
#include "module.h"
static void _myinit() { ... }

FILE : moduleB.c
#include "module.h"
static void _myinit() { ... }

Now, MCR don't need to know existence of each modules.
And, MCR can also control the moment of each module's initialization.
In addition, adding new module doesn't require any modification of MCR side.
It is closer to OOP's concept, isn't it?

We can improve this concept by customizing memory section.
Here is rough description of this.

* Declare special memory section for initializer function.
    - In gcc, ld script should be modified.

* Put initializer function into this section.
    - __attribute__ ((__section__("xxxx"))) can be used.

* MCR can read this section and call these functions at appropriate moment.

Actually, this way is better than using constructor in terms of SW design.
Linux kernel uses this concept in it's driver model.
(For deeper analysis, kernel source code can be good reference.)
But, in many cases, using this concept may lead to over-engineering.
So, if there isn't any other concern, using constructor is enough.

Java visibility는 private, protected, default(package private), public 이렇게 4단계가 있다.
그런데 개인적으로 한단계 정도 더 있었으면 한다.

기능별로 block을 형성하도록 programming할 수 있어야 한다. 그게 oop의 기본이기도 하다.
하나의 class가 하나의 block을 형성할 수 있으면 좋겠지만, 보통 여러개의 class가 하나의 기능 block을 형성한다.
그리고, 이 기능 block의 내부 interface는 package private으로 하고, 외부 interface는 public으로 둔다.
이게 Java에서의 일반적인 programming방법이다.
그런데, 어떤 기능 block 자체가 더 큰 기능 block의 한 부분이게 하고 싶은 경우는 어떻게 해야 하는가?
물론, 재 사용성을 위해서 모든 기능 블럭은 자체적으로 완벽하게 동작하도록 디자인하고, 관련 interface는 public으로 해 둘 수 있게 하는것이 이상적이긴 하다.
그렇지만, 대부분의 경우, 큰 기능 블럭의 한 부분임을 가정하고 programming하는 경우가 많다.
왜냐하면, 일반적인 기능블럭(public interface를 가지는...)을 만들어 내기 위해서는 추가적인 많은 노력들이 필요하기 때문이다.
그런데, Java의 visibility는 이런 경우를 해결해 줄 수 없다.
(하나의 package로 구성된 기능 block의 interface는 public이여야만 한다.)
그래서 개인적으로 추가적인 안을 제시해 본다.

*** tree-based name space ***

name space가 tree형태를 가진다. java convention을 이용해 설명하면, '.'을 separator로 하고, 각 name이 tree의 path를 의미하도록 하는 것이다.
예를 들면, 'com.java.io'라면, 'java'는 'com'의 child 이고, 'io'는 'java'의 child가 된다.

***  parent private ***

visibility가 자신의 parent에게만 되도록...

음.. visibility가 자꾸 많아지는 것도 안 좋긴 한데... 일단 이런게 있었으면 좋겠다... 단점도 있을 것 같은데.. 좀더 고민해 보자...

In Linux, read or write side of pipe is automatically closed if there is no reference for the other side - file is really closed.
But I faced with strange case when implementing a 'ylisp' function - pipe is automatically closed even if there is still valid file descriptor that references that pipe.
Here is simpler version of issued code.

/* function */
    int   fd[2];
    pid_t cpid;
    pipe (fd);
    cpid = fork();
    if (cpid == 0) {
        close (fd[0]); /* close read end */
        dup2 (fd[1], STDIN_FILENO);
        /* --- (*a) --- */
        close (fd[0]); /* <-- (*1) */
        /* --- (*b) --- */
        execvp (...)
    } else {            /* Parent writes argv[1] to pipe */
        close (fd[1]); /* close write end */
        ... /* read end is used */

ylisp is multi-threaded program. And building/running environment is

OS : Linux 2.6.35-24-generic-pae #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 03:21:31 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
Compiler : gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.4.4-14ubuntu5) 4.4.5
libc : Ubuntu EGLIBC 2.12.1-0ubuntu10.1

For testing, I put test code to check whether STDIN_FILENO is valid file descriptor or not.
Interestingly, sometimes, STDIN_FILENO is invalid at (*b), even if it is valid at (*a).
I don't have any idea what happens to this code.
Fortunately, commenting out (*1) seems to be a walk-around for this issue, but it's just temporal solution.
'fd[0]' is never closed in this walk-around.

I need to look into this with more time... very interesting...

⚫ From VM Spec

⚬ In particular, x != x is true if and only if x is NaN, and (x<y) == !(x>=y) will be false if x or y is NaN.
⚬ round towards zero
⚬ Multibyte data items are always stored in big-endian order.

⚫ Java VM Type Signature

Signature        Java Type
Z                             boolean
B                             byte
C                             char
S                             short
I                             int
J                             long
F                             float
D                             double
L fully-qualified-class ;     fully-qualified-class
[ type                        type[]
( arg-types ) ret-type        method type

to be continue ...

If parent doesn't use 'wait' system call for it's child, that child becomes zombie after end of execution.
(At zombie state, all allocated resources are removed, but it is still in process table for parent to get child's exit status.)
Here is very simple example

main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
    if (fork ()) { /* parent */
    } else { /* child */
    return 0;

In this case, child becomes zombie.
Simplest way to avoid making zombie is get exit status of child by use 'wait' system call at signal handler for SIGCHLD.
The point is, "DO NOT forget about getting child's exit status not to make zombie!"
At above example following codes should be added at [*A]

int status; wait(&status);


"LD_PRELOAD" is set to path of shared libraries. And those are loaded at first (even before C runtime).


One good point is, "Developer can override symbols in the stock libraries, with symbols in LD_PRELOAD-specified-libraries.
For example, 'malloc' can be overridden with user-defined one by using LD_PRELOAD.

And another good tip is using LD_PRELOAD with '__attribute__((constructor))'.
'__attribute__((constructor))' is GCC specific syntax for C/C++.
Functions tagged '__attribute__((constructor))', are located at '.ctors' section of ELF and run when shared library is loaded.
('__attribute__((destuctor))' functions are located at '.dtors' section and run when shared library is unloaded.)
So, functions tagged '__attribute__((constructor))' in LD_PRELOAD-specified-library are executed before 'main' function.
It is fantastic, isn't it?

Real example is 'stdbuf' of gnu coreutils.
There are two main parts in 'stdbuf'. Here are details.

libstdbuf.so :
    libstdbuf.so has stdbuf() tagged '__attribute__((destructor))'.
    In stdbuf, modes of standard buffers - stdin, stdout, stderr - are modified.

    stdbuf puts 'libstdbuf.so' to LD_PRELOAD.
    And then, 'exec()' to main program to execute.

==> So, modes of standard buffer of main program can be changed

Enjoy trick of LD_PRELOAD!
For more detail example, see this post

There are lot's of articles that introduces way of using pipe and redirecting standard IO with those.
But, whenever try to do this, there is always big issue - buffer mode!
See following example.

< Tested on [Ubuntu EGLIBC 2.12.1-0ubuntu9] + [Ubuntu 2.6.35-23-generic-pae] >

#include <stdio.h>
#define _tstr "Sample Text\n"
main () {
    int fdp[2];
    pipe (fdp);
    if (0 != fork ()) {/* parent */
        dup2 (fdp[1],1); /* redirect standard out */
        /* fdp is not used anymore */
        close (fdp[0]);
        close (fdp[1]);
        [*A] /* <--- see below */
    } else {
        int  rb;
        char buf[100];
        dup2 (fdp[0],0); /* redirect standard in */
        /* fdp is not used anymore */
        close (fdp[0]);
        close (fdp[1]);
        if (0 >= (rb = [*B])) perror("IO Error\n"); /* <-- see below for [*B] */
        buf[rb] = 0; /* add trailing 0 */
        printf ("read from input:%s\n", buf);

< *** [*A][*B] pair and result. *** >
OK pairs
    [*A] : write (fdp[1], ...)   |   [*B] : read (fdp[0], ...)
    [*A] : write (1, ...)        |   [*B] : read (fdp[0], ...)
    [*A] : write (1, ...)        |   [*B] : read (0, ...)
    [*A] : printf (_tstr); fflush (stdout) | [B] : read (1, ...)

NOT OK pairs - printed output is "read from input:" ('_tstr' is not printed immediately)
    [*A] : printf (_tstr);       | [*B] : read (0, ...)
        -> 'fflush' is missing here. But '\n' is at the end of test string...

Why 'printf' doesn't work without 'flush'?
'printf' uses standard buffer (at first IO operation, buffer is allocated by using 'malloc').
And because, output device is pipe - not console, buffered mode is used.
So, until flushing, all outputs are stored in buffer (NOT device).
To make pipe be REALLY like standard IO, mode of those buffer should be LINE BUFFERED mode.
So, 'setvbuf() or setlinebuf()' should be used at the first of [*A] as follows.

[*A] : setlinebuf (stdout); printf (_tstr);
    OR setvbuf (stdout, (char*)NULL, _IOLBF, 0); printf (_tstr);

It is simple, isn't it?

Here is more complicated cases.
See following example.

< Tested on [Ubuntu EGLIBC 2.12.1-0ubuntu9] + [Ubuntu 2.6.35-23-generic-pae] >

< main.c >
#include <stdio.h>
main() {
    int fdp[2]; /* pipe */
    pipe (fdp);
    if (0 != fork()) { /* parent */
        dup2 (fdp[1], 1); /* redirect standard out */
        close (fdp[0]);
        close (fdp[1]); 
        [*C] /* <-- see below */
        execlp ("test", (char*)0); /* run test (*1) */
    } else {
        int  rb;
        char buf[100];
        dup2 (fdp[0],0); /* redirect standard in */
        /* fdp is not used anymore */
        close (fdp[0]);
        close (fdp[1]);
        if (0 >= (rb = [*B])) perror("IO Error\n");
        buf[rb] = 0; /* add trailing 0 */
        printf ("read from input:%s\n", buf);

< test.c > => test (executable)
main () {
    printf("This is Test!\n");

As above case, string from 'test' - "This is Test!" - is not printed to console immediately because it is buffered.
(Assume that, < test.c > SHOULD NOT be modified!)
Is there solution? Yes.
Before moving next step, see this post first.

Combination of LD_PRELOAD and  __attribute__ ((constructor)) is solution.
To do this, new file is added to make share library that will be preloaded.

< mystdbuf.c > => libmystdbuf.so
#include <stdio.h>
__attribute__ ((constructor)) static void
mystdbuf () {
    setvbuf (stdout, (char*)NULL, _IOLBF, 0);

And add following codes to section [*C]

putenv ("LD_PRELOAD=./libmystdbuf.so");


Another easy and popular solution is using 'stdbuf' command in gnu core-utils.
Replace (*1) with

execlp ("stdbuf", "stdbuf", "-oL", "./test", (char*)0);

As described in LINK above, mechanism of 'stdbuf' is exactly same with above manual solution!

* Following codes is to change byte[] to integer-typed-value and vice versa.
=> Note : JavaVM uses Big-Endian. And, size of each integer-type is byte(1), short(2), int(4), long(8).

public static final int
byteArrayToLongBE(byte[] b) {
    return ((b[0]&0xff) << 56) + ((b[1]&0xff) << 48)
         + ((b[2]&0xff) << 40) + ((b[3]&0xff) << 32)
         + ((b[4]&0xff) << 24) + ((b[5]&0xff) << 16)
         + ((b[6]&0xff) << 8)  + (b[7]&0xff);

public static final int
byteArrayToLongLE(byte[] b) {
    return (b[0]&0xff          + ((b[1]&0xff) << 8)
         + ((b[2]&0xff) << 16) + ((b[3]&0xff) << 24)
         + ((b[4]&0xff) << 32) + ((b[5]&0xff) << 40)
         + ((b[6]&0xff) << 48) + ((b[7]&0xff) << 56));

public static final int
byteArrayToIntBE(byte[] b) {
    return ((b[0]&0xff) << 24) + ((b[1]&0xff) << 16)
         + ((b[2]&0xff) << 8) + (b[3]&0xff);

public static final int
byteArrayToIntLE(byte[] b) {
    return (b[0]&0xff) + ((b[1]&0xff) << 8)
         + ((b[2]&0xff) << 16) + ((b[3]&0xff) << 24);

public static final short
byteArrayToShortBE(byte[] b) {
    return (short) (((b[0]&0xff) << 8) + (b[1]&0xff));

public static final short
byteArrayToShortLE(byte[] b) {
    return (short) ((b[0]&0xff) + ((b[1]&0xff) << 8));

public static final byte[]
longToByteArrayBE(long v) {
    return new byte[] {
            (byte)(v >>> 56), (byte)(v >>> 48),
            (byte)(v >>> 40), (byte)(v >>> 32),
            (byte)(v >>> 24), (byte)(v >>> 16),
            (byte)(v >>> 8),  (byte)v};

public static final byte[]
longToByteArrayLE(long v) {
    return new byte[] {
            (byte)v,          (byte)(v >>> 8),
            (byte)(v >>> 16), (byte)(v >>> 24),
            (byte)(v >>> 32), (byte)(v >>> 40),
            (byte)(v >>> 48), (byte)(v >>> 56)};

public static final byte[]
intToByteArrayBE(int v) {
    return new byte[] {
            (byte)(v >>> 24), (byte)(v >>> 16),
            (byte)(v >>> 8),  (byte)v};

public static final byte[]
intToByteArrayLE(int v) {
    return new byte[] {
            (byte)v,          (byte)(v >>> 8),
            (byte)(v >>> 16), (byte)(v >>> 24)};

public static final byte[]
shortToByteArrayBE(short v) {
    return new byte[] {(byte)(v >>> 8), (byte)v };

public static final byte[]
shortToByteArrayLE(short v) {
    return new byte[] {(byte)v, (byte)(v >>> 8) };

* Run process

// Recommanded
// Run shell command and return it's output as string
public static String
runCmd(String... cmd) {
    String r = "";
    try {
        // execute command
        ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmds);
        // pb.redirectErrorStream(true); // if needed.
        // wait till running is done.
        Process pr = pb.start();
        pr.waitFor() ;
        String line;
        // Reader output of sub process.
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pr.getInputStream())) ;
        // Make output String object
        while ( null != (line = br.readLine()) ) r += line + "\n";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        ; // Exception Handling!
    return r;

// OR
public static String
    runCmd(String[] cmds) {
    String r = "";
    try {
        // execute command
        Process pr = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmds) ;
        // wait till running is done.
        pr.waitFor() ;
        // Reader output of sub process.
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pr.getInputStream())) ;
        // Make output String object
        String  line;
        while ( null != (line = br.readLine()) ) r += line + "\n";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        ; // Exception Handling!
    return r;

* Run shell command

// We should invoke SHELL (not process command directly)
// See above for 'runCmd'
String cmd = "ls -al | grep text";
runCmd("/bin/bash", "-c", cmd);
// or : runCmd(new String[]{"/bin/bash", "-c", cmd});

* Multi-lined JLabel : We can do this by using HTML directly.

JLabel jl = new JLabel("<html>1st line<br>2nd line</html>");

* Loading java property

Properties prop = new Properties();
try {
    prop.load(new FileInputStream(property_file_path));
} catch (IOException e) {
    ; // exception handling

* String to Integer

try {
    int v = Integer.parseInt("3456");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    ; // exception handling

=== to be continued...

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