--- Sub-shell / Current shell ---
(*1) echo -e "aaa\nbbb\nccc\nddd" > tmp value=0; while read line; do value=$(expr $value + 1) echo $value done < tmp rm -f tmp echo "at last: $value" result: 1 2 3 4 at last: 4 (*2) value=0 echo -e "aaa\nbbb\nccc\nddd" | while read line; do value=$(expr $value + 1) echo $value done echo "at last: $value" result: 1 2 3 4 at last: 0
It is interesting, isn't it? The main reason is, (*1) is executed in current shell. But (*2) is executed in sub-shell. In more detail, there is only one process(current shell) during run at (*1). But at (*2), there are three processes; current shell, process for 'echo' and process for 'while loop'.
--- Shell function ---
(*1) function func_name() { ... } (*2) func_name() { ... }
(*2) is more portable than (*1). Bash supports both (*1) and (*2). But, dash - /bin/sh -> dash in Ubuntu - doesn't support (*1).
--- Syntax ---
'()' grouping and '{}' grouping is delicately different in it's syntax.
(echo 1; echo 2; exit 0) # OK { echo a; echo b; exit 1 } # syntax error { echo a; echo b; exit 1; } # OK
--- Test ---
'!' has higher priority than '-a' and '-o'.
Assume that there are two files; 'a' and 'b'
[ -r a -a -r b ] : TRUE [ ( -r a -a -r b ) ] : syntax error [ ( -r a ) -a ( -r b ) ] : syntax error [ ! -r a -o -r c ] : FALSE [ ! -r a -o -r b ] : TRUE
--- Replacement ---
'~' isn't replaced in "". So,
MYHOME=~ # OK MYHOME="~" # it doesn't work as expected
--- Symbolic link ---
Assume following file structure.
/data/userA/ /data/userB/ /home/a (a -> /data/userA/) /home/b (b -> /data/userB/)
Let's see the following test.
cd /home/ cd a pwd -> '/home/a' is shown. ls .. -> 'userA' and 'userB' are shown. -- (*a) cd .. pwd -> '/home' is shown -- (*b) ls -> 'a' and 'b' are shown. -- (*c) cd /home/ cd a cp a.txt ../ -> a.txt is created at '/data/' -- (*d)
As you can see, the way handling symbolic link is different among commands. In above test, 'cd' and 'pwd' work differently from 'ls' and 'cp'. Some commands - like 'cd' and 'pwd' - handle directory path of working directory but some - like 'cp' and 'ls' - doesn't.
Therefore, try to use 'absolute path' to avoid the case like this, if symbolic link is included in the directory path.
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