[[ blog 이사 과정에서 정확한 posting날짜가 분실됨. 년도와 분기 정도는 맞지 않을까? ]]

We should not access memory address directly to read the value.

For example,

Int8* pt;
malloc(pData, 6);
pt = pData;
*pt = length;
*pt = width;
*pt = (int)size; // ---(*)

This may create unexpected result due to data align. See (*). At (*), address of 'pt' is not 4-byte-aligned. But, it tries to write 4-byte-data (integer value). In this case, result may be compiler or target architecture dependent - usually, 'size' will be written at 4-byte-aligned-address.
Programmer who wrote above code may intent to make following memory state.

pData : [length(1 byte)][width(1 byte)][size(4 bytes]

But, usually, this may create following or undefined result.

pData : [length(1 byte)][width(1 byte)][padding(2 bytes)][size(4 bytes)]

So, we should not use like above(accessing memory directly). We can use 'struct' instead.
But, use 'memcpy' if above way is really needed.

(*) ==> memcpy(pt, &size, sizeof(size));

We should always keep it mind that data is aligned. So, directly accessing memory address to read or write data always has risk of compatibility with align.

[[ blog 이사 과정에서 정확한 posting날짜가 분실됨. 년도와 분기 정도는 맞지 않을까? ]]

Let's remind about endianness.

big-endian : most significant byte first.
little-endian : least significant byte first.

How about following code?

UINT16 b;
UINT8* p;
p = &b;
b = 0xABCD;
printf("%x, %x\n", p[0], p[1]);

This make different result according to endianness.


So, avoid kind of coding!

[[ blog 이사 과정에서 정확한 posting날짜가 분실됨. 년도와 분기 정도는 맞지 않을까? ]]

#define STORE_LE16(bUFF,nUM) ( ((bUFF)[1] = (UINT8) ((nUM)>>8)), \

                              ((bUFF)[0] = (UINT8) (nUM)) )

#define STORE_LE32(bUFF,nUM) ( ((bUFF)[3] = (UINT8) ((nUM)>>24)),    \
                              ((bUFF)[2] = (UINT8) ((nUM)>>16)),     \
                              ((bUFF)[1] = (UINT8) ((nUM)>>8)),      \
                              ((bUFF)[0] = (UINT8) (nUM)) )

/* Store value into a bUFFer in Big Endian format */
#define STORE_BE16(bUFF,nUM) ( ((bUFF)[0] = (UINT8) ((nUM)>>8)),     \
                              ((bUFF)[1] = (UINT8) (nUM)) )

#define STORE_BE32(bUFF,nUM) ( ((bUFF)[0] = (UINT8) ((nUM)>>24)),    \
                              ((bUFF)[1] = (UINT8) ((nUM)>>16)),     \
                              ((bUFF)[2] = (UINT8) ((nUM)>>8)),      \
                              ((bUFF)[3] = (UINT8) (nUM)) )

/* Little Endian to Host integer format conversion macros */
#define LEtoHost16(ptr)  (U16)( ((U16) *((U8*)(ptr)+1) << 8) | \
                                ((U16) *((U8*)(ptr))) )

#define LEtoHost32(ptr)  (U32)( ((U32) *((U8*)(ptr)+3) << 24) | \
                                ((U32) *((U8*)(ptr)+2) << 16) | \
                                ((U32) *((U8*)(ptr)+1) << 8)  | \
                                ((U32) *((U8*)(ptr))) )

/* Big Endian to Host integer format conversion macros */
#define BEtoHost16(ptr)  (U16)( ((U16) *((U8*)(ptr)) << 8) | \
                                ((U16) *((U8*)(ptr)+1)) )

#define BEtoHost32(ptr)  (U32)( ((U32) *((U8*)(ptr)) << 24)   | \
                                ((U32) *((U8*)(ptr)+1) << 16) | \
                                ((U32) *((U8*)(ptr)+2) << 8)  | \
                                ((U32) *((U8*)(ptr)+3)) )

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