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▶ Software Schedule Equation.

Schedule in months = 3.0 * power (man-month, 1/3).

65 man-months job : 30 * power(65, 1/3) := 12.
So, in this case, "team with 5~6 members works for 12 months" is ideal.

▶ Schedule Compression Factor.
schedule compression factor = desired schedule / initial schedule.

[initial schedule 12 months.]
To advance this to 10 months : compression factor = 0.83 (10 / 12)

▶ Compressed Schedule Effort.
compressed schedule effort = initial effort / schedule compression factor.

[initial schedule is 12 months, initial effort is 78 man-months.]
To advance this to 10 month :
compression factor = 0.83 (10 / 12)
compressed schedule effort = 94 man-months (78 / 0.83)
=> To advance schedule by 17%, 21% more effort is required.

  It is impossible to make schedule compression factor be below 0.75 or 0.80.
  (Bohem 1981; Putnam and Myers 1992; Jones 1994)
=> This means, no matter how much effort is available, we cannot advance schedule by more than 25%.; In this case, we should cut back on product size itself.

< From "Rapid Development" (Steve McConnell) >

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