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▶ Software Schedule Equation.

Schedule in months = 3.0 * power (man-month, 1/3).

65 man-months job : 30 * power(65, 1/3) := 12.
So, in this case, "team with 5~6 members works for 12 months" is ideal.

▶ Schedule Compression Factor.
schedule compression factor = desired schedule / initial schedule.

[initial schedule 12 months.]
To advance this to 10 months : compression factor = 0.83 (10 / 12)

▶ Compressed Schedule Effort.
compressed schedule effort = initial effort / schedule compression factor.

[initial schedule is 12 months, initial effort is 78 man-months.]
To advance this to 10 month :
compression factor = 0.83 (10 / 12)
compressed schedule effort = 94 man-months (78 / 0.83)
=> To advance schedule by 17%, 21% more effort is required.

  It is impossible to make schedule compression factor be below 0.75 or 0.80.
  (Bohem 1981; Putnam and Myers 1992; Jones 1994)
=> This means, no matter how much effort is available, we cannot advance schedule by more than 25%.; In this case, we should cut back on product size itself.

< From "Rapid Development" (Steve McConnell) >

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 Systems ProductsBusiness ProductsShrink-Wrap Products
System Size
(lines of code)
10,0006 25 3.5 5 4.2 8
30,0009 110 5.5 22 7 37
50,00011 230 7 46 8 79
100,00015 540 9 110 11 190
200,00020 1,250 11 250 14 440
300,00024 2,100 14 420 16 725
500,00030 3,900 17 780 20 1400

< Sources : Derived from data in
Software Engineering Economics (Boehm 1981),
"An Empirical Validation of Software Cost Estimation Models" (Kemerer 1987),
Applied Software Measurement (Jones 1991),
Measures for Excellence (Putnam and Myers 1992),
Assessment and Control of Software Risks (Jones 1994)>

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A study at IBM found that the average project experiences a 25 percent change in requirements during development (Boehm 1981).
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 Systems ProductsBusiness ProductsShrink-Wrap Products
System Size

(lines of code)













10,00010 48 6 9 7 15
30,00016 185 9 37 11 59
50,00020 360 11 71 14 115
100,00026 820 15 160 18 270
200,00035 1,900 20 370 24 610
300,00041 3,000 24 600 29 1,000
500,00051 5,500 29 1,100 35 1,800

< Sources : Derived from data in
Software Engineering Economics (Boehm 1981),
"An Empirical Validation of Software Cost Estimation Models" (Kemerer 1987),
Applied Software Measurement (Jones 1991),
Measures for Excellence (Putnam and Myers 1992),
Assessment and Control of Software Risks (Jones 1994)>

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PhaseEffort and SizeSchedule
Initial product concept0.25 4.0 0.60 1.60
Approved product concept0.50 2.0 0.80 1.25
Requirements specification0.67 1.5 0.85 1.15
Product design specification0.80 1.25 0.90 1.10
Detailed design specification0.90 1.10 0.95 1.05

< Source : Adapted from "Cost Models for Future Software Life Cycle Processes : COCOMO 2.0" (Boehm et al. 1995) >

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 Systems ProductsBusiness ProductsShrink-Wrap Products
System Size
(lines of code)
10,0008 24 4.9 5 5.9 8
30,00013 97 8 20 9 32
50,00016 190 10 40 11 67
100,00022 450 13 93 15 160
200,00029 1,300 17 210 20 360
300,00034 1,650 20 345 24 590
500,00042 3,100 25 640 29 1,100

< Sources : Derived from data in
Software Engineering Economics (Boehm 1981),
"An Empirical Validation of Software Cost Estimation Models" (Kemerer 1987),
Applied Software Measurement (Jones 1991),
Measures for Excellence (Putnam and Myers 1992),
Assessment and Control of Software Risks (Jones 1994)>

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Comparison of Motivators for Programmer Analysts vs. Managers and the General Population.

Programmer AnalystsManagers of ProgrammersGerneral Population
1. Achievement 1. Responsibility 1. Achievement
2. Possibility for growth 2. Achievement 2. Recognition
3. Work itself 3. Work itself 3. Work itself
4. Personal life 4. Recognition 4. Responsibility
5. Technical-supervision opportunity 5. Possibility for growth 5. Advancement
6. Advancement 6. Interpersonal relations, subordinate 6. Salary
7. Interpersonal relations, peers 7. Interpersonal relations, peers 7. Possibility for growth
8. Recognition 8. Advancement 8. Interpersonal relations, subordinate
9. Salary 9. Salary 9. Status
10. Responsibility 10. Interpersonal relations, superior 10. Interpersonal relations, superior
11. Interpersonal relations, superior 11. Company policies and administration 11. Interpersonal relations, peers.
12. Job security 12. Job security 12. Technical-supervision opportunity
13. Interpersonal relations, subordinate 13. Technical-supervision opportunity 13. Company policies and administration
14. Company policies and administration 14. Status 14. Working conditions
15. Working conditions 15. Personal life 15. Personal life
16. Status 16. Working conditions 16. Job security

< Sources : Adapted from Software Engineering Economics (Boehm 1981) and "Who Is the DP Professional?" (Fitz-enz 1978).>

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From rapid development (Steve McConnell)

- Undermined motivation.
- Weak personnel : "Should be suitable person (Not available person!)"
- Uncontrolled problem employees.
- Heroics : Always shouting "Can do" and don't report risk till last stage of project.
- Adding people to a late project.
- Noisy, crowded offices.
- Friction between developers and customers.
- Unrealistic expectations.
- Lack of effective project sponsorship.
- Lack of stakeholder buy-in.
- Lack of user input.
- Politics placed over substance.
- Wishful thinking.

- Overly optimistic schedules.
- Insufficient risk management.
- Contractor failure.
- Insufficient planning.
- Abandonment of planning under pressure.
- Wasted time during the fuzzy front end.
- Shortchanged upstream activities.
- Inadequate design.
- Shortchanged quality assurance.
- Insufficient management controls.
- Premature or overly frequent convergence.
- Omitting necessary tasks from estimates.
- Planning to catch up later.
- Code-like-hell programming.

- Requirements gold-plating.
- Feature creep.
- Developer gold-plating.
- Push-me, pull-me negotiation.
- Research-oriented development.

- Silver-bullet syndrome.
- Overestimated savings from new tools and methods.
- Switching tools in the middle of a project.
- Lack of automated source-code control.

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ActivitySmall Project
(2,500 lines of code)
Large Project
(500,000 lines of code)
Architecture/design10% 30%
Detailed design20% 20%
Code/Debug25% 10%
Unit test20% 5%
Integration15% 20%
System test10% 15%

< Source : Adapted from Code Complete (McConnell 1993) >

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Ascending Stack : The stack grows upwards, starting from a low address and progressing to a higher address.
Descending Stack : The stack grows downwards, starting with a high address and progressing to a lower one.

Fundamentally, these two are same. But, I prefer descending stack, because when stack is broken, mostly post-stack-section(higher memory address) tends to be broken. So,

- [case1 : current stack has enough free space]
Descending stack is better to detect stack-corruption than ascending stack.

void func_test(void)
    char a[10]; // ---(*1)
    memcpy(a, data, len); // len > 10 ---(*2)

If stack space after (*1) is not used, then even if stack is corrupted, it is very difficult to detect in ascending stack.
(because, no one uses corrupted area.) So, debugging is more difficult.

- [case2 : current stack is almost pull]
In descending stack, usually, corrupting stack of specific thread(Thread A) affects it's own behavior firstly. So, it is easier to debug - same with [case1].
In ascending stack, corrupting stack may affects to other thread's stack - thread whose stack is just next (higher address) of Thread A - firstly with high possibility (especially, if several stacks are adjacent in memory space). This usually leads to debugging-nightmare

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