With using terminal for a long time, PATH variable tends to be longer and longer due to duplicated path.
Here is simple sample script - with Perl - to resolve this.

# remove duplication at give PATH-format-string
unique_path() {
perl -w -e '
    my %path_hash;
    exit unless (defined $ARGV[0]);
    foreach $p (split (/\:/, $ARGV[0])) {
        unless (defined $path_hash{$p}) {
            $path_hash{$p} = 1;
            push @newpath, $p;
    print join ":", @newpath;
' $1
PATH=$(unique_path "$PATH")

Done :-).

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From top to bottom

.bash_profile [ -> .bash_login -> .profile ] : if '.bash_profile' doesn't exist the '.bash_login'...
.bashrc : whenever an interactive shell is started.
.bash_logout : when the login shell is existed.

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