여기서 <뛰어난> 이란, 아~주 특출나게 뛰어난 경우가 아닌, 상위권 수준으로 뛰어난 사람을 뜻한다.

<뛰어난 사람>
* 기술적인 성과를 이루었다.
=> 대단한 일이 아니라고 생각한다. 왜나햐면, 자기 자신에 비추어 생각해 보면, 이건 그리 어려운 일이 아니였으므로...

<평범한 사람>
* 기술적인 성과를 이루었다.
=> 자기 자신에 비추어 봤을 때, 대단한 성과라고 생각하므로 적극 홍보/자랑 한다.

그런데, 보통, senior manager group은 기술의 세부적인 내용에 대한 이해가 부족하다.
그리고, 대부분의 경우, 성과를 판단하는 요소에, 실제 기술적인 성과는 상당히 많이 간략화 되기 때문에, 홍보/포장 이 많은 비중을 차지하게 된다.

물론, 기술 자체는 그 활용성이 없다면 의미가 없다. 하지만... 기술적인 성과는 차후 개선의 밑바탕이 될 수 있으므로, 여전히 중요하다.

극단적인 생각이긴 한데... 이런 모습이 조직에서 종종 보이는 것 같다.
다시 말하지만, 극단적이다. 그렇지만, "위와 같은 모습이 종종 보이더라..." 라는 것 자체도 언급할 가치가 있지 않을까?

< 좋은 link >

< From: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/new >

The new operator creates an instance of a user-defined object type or of one of the built-in object types that has a constructor function.


When the code new Foo(...) is executed, the following things happen:

A new object is created, inheriting from Foo.prototype.
The constructor function Foo is called with the specified arguments, and with this bound to the newly created object. new Foo is equivalent to new Foo(), i.e. if no argument list is specified, Foo is called without arguments.
The object returned by the constructor function becomes the result of the whole new expression. If the constructor function doesn't explicitly return an object, the object created in step 1 is used instead. (Normally constructors don't return a value, but they can choose to do so if they want to override the normal object creation process.)

< From: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/prototype >


    Specifies the function that creates an object's prototype.


즉, 'prototype' property는, 결국 'new' operation에서 object inherit을 위해 사용되는 reserved property이고, instance의 prototype chain은 [[Prototype]](de-facto __proto__) 에 의해 관리된다.

이상에서 다음을 알수(유추할수?) 있다.
- 'prototype' property 는 parent를 가리키는 일반적인 object 이다. (*1)
    : Default로, Function은 자기자신을 constructor로 가지는 prototype을 가진다.
- [[Prototype]]은 'prototype' object 를 가리킨다.

확실한 이해를 위해 'new' operation의 동작을 확인해 보자.(Tested on console of Chrome-63)

> function A(name) {
    this.date = Date.now();
    this.x = 'Proto';
    this.name = name;

> a = new A('a')
A {date: 1514262817152, x: "Proto", name: "a"}

> b = new A('b')            <= date 값이 매번 달라진다.
A {date: 1514262824795, x: "Proto", name: "b"}

> A.prototype                <= constructor만을 가지는 아주 단순한 object
{constructor: ƒ}
    constructor: ƒ A(name)
    __proto__: Object        <= Object Prototype

> c = Object.create(A.prototype);    <= 단순하게 constructor를 상속하는 과정이라고 생각할 수도 있다.
A {}

> c.constructor('c')            <= Prototype의 constructor를 새롭게 생성된 object에 binding해서 수행한다. (Same with, c.__proto__.constructor.call(c, 'c'))
undefined                   Note: binding of 'this' keyworkd (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/this)
                       Note: c.__proto__.constructor('c') <= 잘못된 수행. prototype object 자체를 더럽히게 된다.
> c.constructor === c.__proto__.constructor

> c
A {date: 1514262907466, x: "Proto", name: "c"}

Working environment:
OS: Linux 4.4.0-104-generic #127-Ubuntu SMP Mon Dec 11 12:16:42 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
nodejs: 8.9.1
typescript: 2.6.2

<< class decorator >>

(() => {
// Class decorator
 * See ClassDecorator type at lib.es5.d.ts
 * @param ctor constructor function. Prototype of constructor function
 *               is object for class-definition.
function log<T extends Function>(ctor: T): T | void {
    // decorator is called with 'this' bound to global-object,
    console.assert(undefined !== this.console);
    console.assert(console === this.console);
    console.assert('function' === typeof(ctor));
    console.log('%o', ctor);
    let newConstructor: any = function (...args: Array<any>) {
        console.log('New: ' + ctor.name);
        let o: any = new (<any>ctor)(...args);
        // this is new constructor. So, '_test' is shown at console.log(<instance>)
        o._test = 'mytest';
        return o;
    return newConstructor;

class Person {
        public name: string,
        public surname: string
    ) { }

    get myname() {
        return this.name;

    fullname(nick: string) {
        return `${this.name} ${this.surname} : ${nick}`;

let p = new Person('name', 'surname');
// console.log('%o, %O', p, p);
console.assert(p.name === 'name');
console.assert(p.myname === 'name');
console.assert(p.fullname('N') === 'name surname : N');
console.assert((<any>p)._test === 'mytest');

// Class decorator with argument.
function logArg(nick: string) {
    return function<T extends Function>(ctor: T): T | void {
        let newCtor: any = function (...args: Array<any>) {
            // console.log('New: ' + fconstructor.name);
            let o: any = new (<any>ctor)(...args);
            o.nick = nick;
            return o;
        return newCtor;

class Person2 {
        public name: string
    ) { }

    fullname(age: number) {
        return `${this.name} ${(<any>this).nick} : ${age}`;

let p2 = new Person2('name');
// console.log(p);
console.assert(p2.name === 'name');
console.assert(p2.fullname(18) === 'name nick : 18');
console.assert((<any>p2).nick === 'nick');


<< method decorator >>

(() => {
// Member decorator

 * See MethodDecorator at lib.es5.d.ts for detail types.
 * @param target class(prototype of class-constructor) where this method belongs to
 * @param key name of method
 * @param descriptor method(function)-property descriptor
function log(
    target: any, key: string | symbol, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<any>
): TypedPropertyDescriptor<any> | void {
    // decorator is called with 'this' bound to global-object,
    console.assert(undefined !== this.console);
    console.assert(console === this.console);

    console.assert('fullname' === key);

    // Add new property to prototype of class-constructor.
    // (applied to all class instance!)
    target['newattr'] = 'hello';

    // save a reference to the original method this way we keep the values currently in the
    // descriptor and don't overwrite what another decorator might have done to the descriptor.
    if (descriptor === undefined) {
        descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key)!;

    //editing the descriptor/value parameter
    let orig = descriptor.value;
    descriptor.value = function () {
        console.log(`Called: ${key}`);
        return orig!.apply(this, arguments);

    return descriptor;

class Person {
        public name: string,
    ) { }

    get myname() {
        return this.name;

    fullname(newname: string, nick: string) {
        this.name = newname;
        return `${this.name}:${nick}`;

let p = new Person('name');
let p2 = new Person('name2');
// console.log(p.fullname('newname', 'nick'));
console.assert('name' === p.myname);
console.assert('name2' === p2.myname);
console.assert('hello' === (<any>p).newattr);
console.assert('hello' === (<any>p2).newattr);
console.assert('newname:nick' === p.fullname('newname', 'nick'));
console.assert('newname' === p.myname);
console.assert(`hello` === (<any>p).newattr);


// Member decorator with argument

// Same way with class decorator.


<< parameter decorator >>

(() => {
// Parameter decorator

 * @param target class(prototype of class-constructor) where this method belongs in
 * @param key name of method where this parameter belongs to
 * @param index parameter position in function - stars at 0(the first parameter).
function log(target: any, key: string | symbol, index: number): void {
    // decorator is called with 'this' bound to global-object,
    console.assert(undefined !== this.console);
    console.assert(console === this.console);

    console.assert('fullname' === key);
    console.assert(1 === index);

class Person {
        public name: string,
    ) { }

    get myname() {
        return this.name;

    fullname(newname: string, @log nick: string) {
        this.name = newname;
        return `${this.name}:${nick}`;

let p = new Person('name');
// console.log(p.fullname('newname', 'nick'));
console.assert('newname:nick' === p.fullname('newname', 'nick'));
console.assert('newname' === p.myname);


<< property decorator >>

(() => {
// Property decorator

 * @param target class(prototype of class-constructor) where this method belongs in
 * @param key name of method where this parameter belongs to
function log(target: any, key: string | symbol): void {
    // decorator is called with 'this' bound to global-object,
    console.assert(undefined !== this.console);
    console.assert(console === this.console);
    console.assert('name' === key || 'obj' === key);

    let internalKey = `$${key}`;
    // property getter
    let getter = function () {
        console.log(`Get: ${key} => ${this[internalKey]}`);
        return this[internalKey];

    // property setter
    let setter = function (newVal: any) {
        console.log(`Set: ${key} => ${newVal}`);
        this[internalKey] = newVal;

    // Delete property.
    if (delete target[key]) {
        console.assert(undefined === target[`$${key}`]);
        // Create new property with getter and setter
        Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
            get: getter,
            set: setter,
            enumerable: true,
            configurable: true

class Person {
    public name = 'init';
    public obj = {};

    constructor(name: string) {
        this.name = name;

    get myname() {
        return this.name;

    fullname(newname: string, nick: string) {
        this.name = newname;
        return `${this.name}:${nick}`;

let p = new Person('name');
p.name = 'hello';
p.obj = {a: 1};

console.assert((<any>p)['$name'] === p.name);
console.assert((<any>p)['$obj'] === p.obj);
console.assert('newname:nick' === p.fullname('newname', 'nick'));
console.assert('newname' === p.myname);

// console.log('%o', p);


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